Hello all,I am writing because I am seeking some help with a project I am doing. I am currently a University student in Philadelphia and I am writing an extensive thesis on the experiences of adult adoptees. As a sociology major, my focus is more on the social/cultural aspects of being adopted. I want to know how people experienced being adopted growing up, how it affected their interactions with others (in family/work/community), how they handle telling people they're adopted, how american culture views adopted persons (in their opinion), amog other questions. I am also interested in how people find out they're adopted. IF you or anyone you know is in the Philadelphia/New Jersey/New York area and wouldn't mind being interviewed as part of this project, PLEASE contact me via email. I would LOVE to interview as many people as possible to get a wide range of experiences, and I will travel as necessary. Due to University regulations, all stories are strictly confidential and names will not be used in the writing of the thesis. If you do not live in the area that I mentioned but would still be interested in writing out your answers to some interview questions (about 20) via email, please don't hesitate to write! If you have any further questions, please contact me at Thank you so much!martha (also an adoptee).