There are many very over-looked features of replying that I'm sure everyone wants to try but aren't sure how.
Do you know how to type in color?
How about italics bold or underline [fONT=arial black]or fancy fonts?[/font]
Does size matter when it comes to text?
Are you lost :confused: and can't express yourself properly with smiles?
Anyone who wants to participate in frequent "lessons" please post here. I'll be starting out with some of the very basics, so if it's a little slow at first, hang in there and we'll get to something you want to know soon.
:cool: This will be fun!
First Lesson:
Everyone find their bracket keys. They're usually on the line of keys just about enter [ and ]
Brackets are the basics. Make sure you aren't holding the shift key when you type in a bracket or you'll get broken code!
Every coding function with start with something in brackets and end with something in brackets. The end piece or "tag" will have a backshlash to signify the end of that command.
I'll just use the word "something" instead of an actual command so you can see it.
[something] The text you want to have the command effect goes here. [/something]
Given some of the issues recently discovered, I was urged to continue on with this thread :)
As mentioned above, all commands will have brackets [*] at the start and end. Open the command with brackets around what you want it to do, and close with the same command but with a slash beofre the command. [/*]
Some of the basic commands to insert into the brackets and what they do:
[list]b = bold[/list]
[list]u = underline[/list]
[list]i = italics[/list]
[list]center = center text[/list]
[list]quote = quote text[/list]
[list]list = bulleted list[/list]
It's a little difficult to show the commands (or tags) in action, because once you type them out properly, the action has been performed and the tags are hidden! In the future, when I am typing out a command for an example, I will put a space between the brackets and the command. For example, when attempting to bold certain text, your command/code should start with written just like that, but if I am showing the whole command I will show it with a space [ b] so the action does not happen.