Hello there! Im happy to share our experiences with Parent with you. My husband and I are thrilled with the response we have had through Parent Profiles. The cost is minimal when we consider we have personally spoken to over 20 potential birth mothers in just 3 months. Our agency has connected us with ZERO potential birth mothers, so the money was relative to us. If you analyze the cost of classified advertising, printing of tear sheets, business cards, gas, mileage and time, the cost was cheap to us! (But again, "cheap" is a relative term depending on how fast you want to match, etc.) We are currently matched with a expectant mother who found us through Parent Profiles. She is due is just five weeks with a healthy boy. There is an added layer of filter that you have to consider when you post your profile on such a high traffic site such as this one. You may get emails from random people who arent really interested in adoption, they are just "feeling it out" and trying to learn what adoption is all about. That has been our biggest challenge. If a potential match comes to you through yoru agency, they usually hand out the education to them before you ever speak to the potential birth mother. In the case of using Parent Profiles, we have found ourselves providing alot of information to women who are not at all sure of their adoption plans. It is challenging, but we have met and spoke with some wonderful women who will make great mothers someday. Our agency was not at all supportive of us using this type of internet advertising, but it has been a great success for us so far. We have learned a lot about adoption, ourselves and the women who consider building an adoption plan for their children. Since we listed our profile there in December, they have reconsidered their feelings about mass internet networking. It is easy to create and post your profile on this site. It is also easy to maintain it once it is out there. Our profile has had over 36,000 "hits" since we launched it the last week of December. Good luck with your journey!!!