I'm finding bits & pieces around the forums about OCS's "veterans" but I'd like to hear more....Would you please share search, reunion(good & bad) and any other stories with me. I'm especially interested in hearing from any bmom's. How did Mrs. Cady handle the adoption process from your perspective? Any information would be appreciated.
1967 Ohio Children's Society adoptee who found birth mother in 2015. She tells me that her mother handled most of the details with this agency. My birth had just graduated from college when she found out she was pregnant. She relinquished me as she would not be able to find work as a single mother. She tells me she was taught to detach from the situation so that she could get on with her life. She did not hold me, but she did see me through the window of the nursery.
My adoptive mom tells me a story of how they would not place my brother (adopted first) until my mom and dad were members of the same church.
My parents were given a one-page story of your baby, which included a paragraph of both birth parents. I shared it with my birth mom. She said it was pretty accurate.