:eek: Wow... this last week has been something else. My baby is sick. I haven't been to work for two days, and am not sure when I will get back to work. Baby has been running a temp of 103 for two days..took him to the hospital and doctor. EAR INFECTIONS!!!!!! I don't know what to do....This is my first experience with sick babies. My mom has been great thru this , but it is very tiring. I wish I could quit work...but I don't know how to support the three of us...oh well I am sure it will get better.
I hope the baby is feeling better!
So glad you came here to vent!
It is so hard when they are little and that fever keeps going UP and UP!!! UGH!
Get rest when you can and LOVE that baby better!
God bless!
OK..I re-read that and it was not intended to sound like you didn't love your baby...I simply meant "love that baby til he/she gets BETTER!"
:) Just wanted to clear that up!! :)