If you were born in Tacoma,WA between the years 1965 to 1967 and were put up for adoption, you could be my sister. I found out when I did a search for my bmom that another baby girl was put up for adoption after I was. I was born on 10/19/1964 at Tacoma General Hospital and was adopted days later. My bparents first names are Patrick and Susan and they come from Irish Protestant backgrounds. They were both teenagers when I was born. I grew up with brothers and always wanted a sister, so please if you are out there let me know.
Your pretty sure it was tacoma? I know my records were changed but not sure how much. I was born in 1966, supposedly seattle, but then again back then, Federal way was part of seattle and now it is included in tacoma, so you never know. I have been told that I am irish/french lutheran decent but I thought I would give it try. Like I keep saying, you never know.
I actually started a registry website and there is a picture of me on the "why we are here" page. the site is [url=]Home[/url]
you can check it out and if I am not related you can always post on our site.
Thank you so much for stepping out to search for the adoptee, may God bless you in your journey.