Does anyone know if there is a baby book for open adoption? I would love to find one that the birth parents fill out for the child and one that the adoptive parents fill out. Please let me know if you know of a good one. If not, maybe we can all put our heads together and make one.
Nic Nic
Actually, I know Brenda Romanchik(sp?) has one out -- for bparents to fill out for the child. I think they sell it at the store. She's a member here, but haven't seen her around for a while. Her screen name is Bromanchik (I think :confused: ), maybe you could pm her.
I'm thinking it may be the same book we bought online for our children's BMom's. I believe it's called "A BirthMother's Journal" AWESOME!!!!! I wasn't able to find it this last time we adopted & I was really sad. :( If you do find it, PLEASE let me know where!!!!