Dear patiently waiting families,
We have received a referral of a medically challenged little boy and will be traveling next week to meet him.
Our initial approval was for two children and we brought our one son home in September than waited after turning down another child we waitied for 10 months and received this referal which we accepted. Of course we have had to update paperwork a few times..having nitially started in February of 2003...but we are very excited and pleased that some progress is being made to get these kids home!!
Vicki :D
Hi again,
He has significant special needs. We did specify we would accept that in our homestudy update .Of course he is only 2 and we are confident that good medical and a loving family of faith will see enormous progress in him.
I will continue to pray for all of you that wait and I know(believe me I know firsthand) how difficult that wait can be....sad times...times you second guess everything....times of frustration....times of wondering why...
But eventually it does come together and you do get the child that was truly meant for your family :)
Hi again,
He has significant special needs. We did specify we would accept that in our homestudy update .Of course he is only 2 and we are confident that good medical and a <a href="" onmouseover="window.status='loving family'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">loving family</a> of faith will see enormous progress in him.
I will continue to pray for all of you that wait and I know(believe me I know firsthand) how difficult that wait can be....sad times...times you second guess everything....times of frustration....times of wondering why...
But eventually it does come together and you do get the child that was truly meant for your family :)
Just to give some positive news to the Bulgaria adopting group. There has been a referral of a nonspecial needs child to an american family that has been registered in Dec 2003 or Jan 2004. He is 3 years old and they are already visiting. Hope this means that some of these children will be moving soon. They were all so precious in my sons group that I would have taken any single child had they been questions asked.