Hi again. I am writing about L once again. Heard from SW a little while ago and bio parents tested dirty (along with other issues) so...CPS is working on stopping reunification services and heading straight to removing parental rights. :eek:
I feel so mixed about this. I thought bios were doing so well, they as much said so, basically lying to my face. I really don't know why I am shocked, other than they are older than other bios I have been involved with and really were talking the talk. I fell for it hook line and sinker. :rolleyes:
L has just been approved for early intervention services which I will be very involved in. Also, SW contacted a counselor who thinks he has attachment disorder. (YA THINK???)
SW said that bio gma is now thinking she wants to adopt him. I have such mixed feelings. Immense sadness. Then relief. Then back to sadness. We have been working so hard with him and he is starting to attach and be a part of our family. But, if being with bio-gma is the best thing for L, then I will support it 200%.
We won't know too much more until sometime next week. He is still spending the weekend with bio-gma, so that will give us all time to think about what is best for our families.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Hi Vickie,
Just read your post and wondered if you'd heard anything else regarding L going with G'ma. Hope God is giving you peace thru this whole transition process--whether L stays or whether he goes with G'ma. Blessings, RM
Rocking Mama,
Thank you for your kind words. Alot has happened this past week. Bio G'ma does NOT want to adopt him but DOES want to have him in her care till "BioMom gets is together"! Since then, I have found out that Gma does not even know the bio mom was using Meth and Marajuana along with Alcohol! She thinks mom just messed up and drank too much one night and her kid was taken from her! ROLL EYES!!
Anyways, SW feels that L probably should not go to Gma at all, LONG story!!
This past week has been beyond awful. L has moved it up a whole nother notch. He is screeching constantly (think baby pteradactal (sp?)!!) He has started hitting and throwing things. Our family just cannot take it any more, so today I put in my 7 day notice to have him moved.
I am heart broken, but know that he needs one on one care with someone very experienced in attachment issues and major anger!
Thanks again, this will be a very hard week I am sure!
I will be praying for you. Please be kind to yourself and don't let your emotions or your thoughts beat you up. This is one of the hardest parts about foster care and the only thing that makes it better is time. You WILL get through this and one day you will look back and know it was absolutely the right thing to do for your family. In the meantime, just hang in there!!