My "name" is Indy. I have been asked to co-host this forum.
I am a single father of 7 adopted children, with another one "on the way". I have adopted through my home state foster care system and through three other states. I have dealt with ICPC and foster/adopt programs. My children run the "gamit" in abuse and diagnosis. Now, they just want to be "normal" teenagers! :eek:
I look forward to many conversations and FUN!
I wish all of you the BEST in your adoption journey!
Take it from me, Indy is the best! Throughout my mostly failed adoption journey, Indy has been my "wise old man on the mountaintop". (OK, he's really not THAT old.)
He's a fantastic father with a crew of really great kids who he has every right to be proud of. He'll be a real asset to this forum!