I am new to this site and would like to know how to deal with the fact that I don't look like anyone. I was born baby boy shane on April 3, 1957 and to this day when I look in the mirror I don't know who I really am. This is my second marrige and I have had no childred with her, or my first for that matter, so I have no blood relations, that I know. Some days are tougher than others and I feel like no one understands where I' comming from. Does anybody have any input or ideas, it's been driving me crazy for years, Who am I, where do I come from? Soooooo many unanswered questions. I hope I'm making sense.
Welcome to the forum! So many of us share your feelings! If you have some time just read through some of the posts here and you will see that you are definitely NOT alone! It does seem at times that no one understands but it takes another adoptee to know what we adoptees go through.
I was so excited when I had my children because I finally knew someone who shared my genes! I can remember looking in my mirror every day and wondering who this "mystery" woman was staring back at me.
Have you ever considered searching for your bfamily? It is stressful, scary,frustrating and can seem like a treasure hunt with an uncertain ending at times. I did search and reunite. Now I know where my round face comes from and the quirky way I hold my hands! And so much more.
You could start by obtaining your non ID information from the agency you were adopted through. That might give you an indication of how your bparents look. In my case, the eye color of my mother was wrong on the records and also her height. But it is a place to start. Some states have agencies who will help you with your search too.
Best wishes to you in finding out who the "mystery" man in your mirror is!