On Friday (5/27) the adoption of our two foster children will be final. They are 2 & 5 years old. They have been with us for 27 months. We have an open adoption with both parents although we don't see birthdad except maybe every 9 months or so. The birthmom called me today to ask if I minded if she came to court on Friday to witness the adoption. She said she feels it is important for the 5 year old to see that she thinks this is a good thing & agrees with it. Anyway, I know this will be a very difficult day for her & emotionally trying. I want to give her "something" when we leave the courthouse but I don't know what it should be. I was thinking about maybe a frame with a picture of the kids in it or something like that. A letter from me? Both? If there is anyone who has been in a situation like this or has any good ideas I would LOVE to hear them! Thanks!!!
We went through something similar with our boys former foster parents (and it really was a beneficial thing for the kids to get their release and support of the adoption). We gave a locket with a picture of each child in it. It was treasured.
We gave our kids firstmom a Mizpah with DD's name and date of birth engraved on the back. We told her that when our DD was old enough we would give her the other half and that they would always have something that belonged together. We gave her and birthdad little brother's first pair of shoes. They were some size 0 you can imagine, they went on the rear-view :) .