I am writing this for my husband Mark. Here is his information:
dob: 7/28/65
gender- male
Known as "baby boy Rich"
State born in: PA
City: Cheltenham
County: Montogomery
Hospital: Rolling Hills
His adoption was handled by a now deceased (but clearly corrupt) lawyer. Her name was Iola Dolan. She may have lied to birthmother's about the gender of their babies. She also may have told some that they had had died at birth etc. The doctor's were also in cahoots with her.
Before she died, all adoption records were destroyed. We have found some other adoptees who have tried to open sealed vaults- only to find that there was nothing there.
If you are a birthmom who gave birth in Rolling Hills Hospital on 7/28/1965, we want to talk to you.
If you are an adoptee who is also a "black market" baby, we want to talk to you. We can sure use the support.
God bless,
Julie & Mark
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I too was adopted through Dolin and born at Rolling Hills in 1967. Did your husband ever find anything out?