So when exactly can you register with DEERS? Do you have to wait until bmom signs papers? Our bmom has medicaid, will the baby be covered by bmoms medicaid until papers are signed? Thanks!! Steph
Hi Steph,
with our daughter (fost/adopt) the bmom also had medi-cal (california) and the delivery was covered under that. I guess it depends when you have legal custody of the baby. like in our case, we received paperwork from the county showing this was a fost/adopt placement and we took it in to MPF (personnel office) and they enrolled her into DEERS and then you can start up the tricare (her adoption was not final until she was 14months old). our daughter actually had her first checkup (I think it was around 3 days old) and we took her to the clinic that the delivery doctor had...and then they just billed that under the bmom's medi-cal number (since the baby did not have medi-cal at the time).
hope this helps.
You can put your baby on TriCare as soon as you have them in DEERS. You can put them in DEERS as soon as they are in your custody. WE DID!! Our baby was released from the hospital in CA the day after she was born. Her mother had MedCal (like MediCare), so while our daughter was in the hospital everything fell under the birth mother's MedCal. We were lucky to be close by an Air Force base, so for our daughters first 2 doctors visits she went to the base clinic out in California. We got her on DEERS the day we left the hospital. All we needed was the release from the hospital social worker putting her into our custody.