hi my hubby and i have been married for 2 years and he wants to adopt my 9 year old. Her father terminated his rights 5 years ago. So it will be pretty cut and dry. I want to file it myself and i know i can but i can not find the papers. If any one knows where i can find free ar affordible forms please let me know. Thank you. E-mail me at
For do-it-yourself step parent adoptions in Texas only (I don't know that it would be correct in any other state) email me at the address below & I will be more than happy to forward the paperwork to anyone who wants it. One of the other ladies on this site was kind enough to send it to me.
Another place to check that is cheap (though they don't beat free! LOL!) is the local law library. For a few bucks, they have fill-in-the-blank versions of the forms.
Do you still have the Texas step-parent adoption forms? I know it's been a while for you, according to the posting date, but you're the only posting here that has them.
hi my hubby and i have been married for 2 years and he wants to adopt my 9 year old. Her father terminated his rights 5 years ago. So it will be pretty cut and dry. I want to file it myself and i know i can but i can not find the papers. If any one knows where i can find free ar affordible forms please let me know. Thank you. E-mail me at
The person you need to talk to is your 9 year old.
If the child is happy and loves the step dad the child may say yes.
But please don't give the child that old tired line, "we will all have the same name"... my mother did that to me at age 8 and divorce the man 4 years later... so I was then stuck with a name that did not belong to me. At 35 my bio father adopted me back and my maiden name is now the name I was born with.
In my personal opinion, this has got to be the child's decision. Whether or not the child has a relationship with the bio dad or bio family or not. A child's name is very much a part of their idenity.
Even if the child has your maiden name, I would still ask the child and abide by that decision.