I came across this page & am really hoping I can get some advice..clarity..etc.
My husband & I live in SW Indiana, my mom & adult siblings live in Iowa.
Circumstances came about resulting in my 9 yr old sister being placed into foster care & DHS enacting safety plans for my two adult sisters & their respective children because my mom was their main caregiver.
There has already been a "shelter" hearing & initial
"case plan" hearing in which the judge ruled my sister stay in foster care pending the ICPC approval. The SW, GAL & CASA have all recommended she be placed with us & asked the judge to order the ICPC. I was told to expect a call from my local DCS & to be patient. Any advice on how to speed this process along??
Now one adult sister who has 3 children, pregnant with a 4th, has turned custody of her two toddlers over to their father (her soon to be ex husband) This leaves her 6 yr old son (different father) in limbo...She has requested we take him along with my sister.
I am waiting to find out if it will just be a matter of me going to get him & us filing some paperwork since she is volunteering to give custody to us or what. She & my mom have the same SW, everyone is on board with this idea. I am just trying to get as much clarity on expectations as I can because I assume my mom will "eventually" get her situation back to a point that DHS will be okay with my sister going back to her but we will most likely be adopting my nephew.
We have a very good relationship with the kids, visit multiple times a year. My sister is frankly confused as to why she isn't here already once she was told she couldn't go home to mom. My adult sister is trying to be proactive because the judge already questioned why my nieces & nephews weren't put into foster & the SW is trying to work with them to prevent it.
I guess that was a lot of information all at once but I am still reeling a bit & just trying to get any help I can getting my bearings & some direction, help, advice etc etc.
Thanks in advance to any replies.