I need some help. My husband would like to adopt my 5 year old son. His bio father was told about the pregnancy and I havnt heard from or seen him since. I think he moved to another state. I would have no clue how to find him. He has not attempted to make any kind of contact whatsoever. He has also had a severe drug problem and has been in trouble with the law. does any one know if there would be any way I could do this without a signature from him? amanda
I'm in the same boat. My ex has not seen our son in five yrs. Here in Oregon I still have to get his consent, if he contests the adoption then we go to court and he has to explain to a judge why he "abandoned" our son. If the excuses are not good enough the judge can find that the adoption can go thru with out the bdad consent on the grounds of "willfull abandonment and neglect".Stay strong, this has been a bumpy for me and I have an attorney. Jaime