Exciting News!
We have finalized our FRUA Ohio Conference details!
This conference is for everyone:
families considering adopting, those waiting for children, those newly home with children, those who have been home many years, and professionals in the adoption field.
As we determine the ages of children attending, we will flesh out more activities for the kids of all ages. In Columbus we usually have children aged 0 to 19 attending.
Your older children will not be bored! In addition, this event is for *all* children in your family.
Please register as soon as possible using the registration form. You may mail, e-mail or fax your registration. You can mail a check or use Paypal to pay your registration fees.
You may find the registration form and details here:
Highlights below:
Check-in and a family pool party Ֆ bring a snack and drinks to share
SATURDAY 8:30 10:00 A.M.
֕ Health Issues in International Adopted Children - Dr. Katalin Koranyi, Columbus Childrens Hospital International Adoption Clinic. Dr Koranyi will tell us about Health issues in international adoptees Җ especially health screening of new arrivals of all ages.
2 KidՒs Rooms opens 8:00 a.m. Pajama party bring the kids in their PJ֒s for videos and breakfast cereal
SATURDAY 10:30 12:00 NOON
֕ Educational Programming for Children of International Adoption -What Have We Learned, and Where Do We Go Now? Felicia Demchuk, Positive Education Program, Cleveland. What are some of the causes of educational issues in some internationally adopted children? What can we do to improve their success? Felicia and her husband are parents of 2 children born in Ukraine and Russia.
֕ 2 Kids Room: Games and crafts
SATURDAY 1:00 Җ 2:30 P.M.
Effects of Institutionalization on Language Development - Susan Hough, Children's Therapy Center of the Washington Hospital, PA. University of Pittsburgh researchers recently studied the language skills of 44 children adopted from Eastern European orphanages. The study, which included conversations with the children and parent questionnaires, showed that 37 to 40 percent of the children had language deficits. These deficits were correlated with the child's time in the orphanage, age at adoption, and time in the U.S. Parents who adopt internationally can learn more about the risks that may face their children and their children's need for ongoing monitoring.
Օ Younger Kids Room: Storytime
ҕ Teens & Older KidҒs Room: Presentation on vampires in Slavic Folklore
SATURDAY 3:00 4:30 P.M.
֕ Lifebooks Stephanie Shotts, Columbus. - Stephanie has extensive experience in making Lifebooks and Scrapbooks She will explain the difference between the two and give us some tips and ideas for documenting our children֒s life journeys. Stephanie and her husband Dave are parents of two children born in Russia.
2 KidՒs Room: Games and crafts
FAMILY DINNER BREAK - (If there is interest, we could arrange a dinner as part of the package)
SATURDAY EVENING 7:00 P.M. Family swimming and Fellowship
Orthodox Church service tentative
Columbus COSI - Center Of Science and Industry - Group rate tickets