We are in the process of adopting a son who has been with us since he was two days old. The birth mom has signed all of the paperwork to give up her rights. One week before the court hearing to terminate parent's rights the birth father calls our lawyer from jail to say that he wants to contest it. The hearing went on at the judge's suggetstion, but now there is a new hearing set for mid August. The father will continue to be incarcerated for the next 5 years for theft. He has also been charged with aggrevated assult over 10 times. ( I don't know how many, if any, convictions.) The birth mom has said that she would testify agaist the father because they have never been married and he has never supported her, their other 4 children, nor the 2 children he has with two other women. However the birth mother has since moved out of state. (Our lawyer is attempting to find her)...and now this is just hearsay
My question is - What rights does the birth father have and if you were his lawyer what arguements would you use in court to prevent his rights from being terminated?
a worried dad
Thanks for your inquiry. As with so much relating to adoption, the laws vary from state to state, and I cannot advise you on the legalities of your situation for the state of PA (and I am not licensed to practice law in PA) . Every state deals differently with a situation like this, but Judges in PA have been very generous to birth fathers of late. In New York, a birth father must be ready, willing and able to be the full-time parent to the baby, and that role may not be delegated to another person. Since the birth father in your situation is incarcerated for up to five years, he cannot be the baby's full-time custodial parent. New York caselaw would be sympathetic to the birth father's plight, but would likely find that he cannot assume parental responsibilities within a reasonable time, and find that his consent to the adoption was not required (and the adoption could be completed over his objection). Other factors might change this result though, such as if he and the birth mother were married.
I wish you good luck.
Greg Franklin
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