Hi all -
My dh and I are making the big move from AK to TN in about a month. We have recently finalized the adoption of our dd that we brought home at 3 months old.
We have a wonderful support group here in AK - and are looking for other support groups that meet in person in the Chattanooga/Cleveland area.
Thanks so much and looking forward to warmer weather!
Another Amom was just telling me about them the other day. She pretty much painted a portrait of them being angels. THey have sitters to watch the children while you are in the meetings, they send a therapists to your house for family play therapy and sometimes they provide a parents night out and respite. She is getting me the number for more information. I had my initial private homestudy done by them in Chattanooga, so I can provide you with the area leader's phone number if you so wish it. We live right in the middle of Nashville and Chatty.
Just wanted to say welcome! We live in Nashville, TN and have an adopted daughter who is 18 months. We brought her home from the hospital.