I was born June 17, 1968 in Calgary and was given the name of John. Not sure of the last Name as I do not have the records, but I believe it Started with a "D". I was relocated to CAS in Ontario where I was adopted. I am in search of any birth relatives.
Do you know if you were given up for adoption at birth or thereafter?
Was your birthname John or is that your name now and perhaps had a different birthname?
Do you have any idea what hospital you were born in?
I know, tough questions when you don't have your records.
Adoption records are open in Ontario,
you might wish to pursue applying for them from the Ontario government.
In the meantime, I may be able to help you from here in Alberta.
email me insearchof_@mail dot com.
or send me a private message if you wish.
Obtained a copy of my adoption order. Birth name John Anthony Dirindin, June 17th 1968, Calgary Alberta. ISO birth relatives.
Sorry to take so long, I don't check that email address regularly.
Have you taken any steps to contact anyone with that last name?