I have a bio daughter that is twelve months old.
I have an in home daycare and watch a boy age two that has a temper and throws tantrums when told no or yells no back at you or hits the wall or whatever is near by when mad. My daughter is starting to catch on and when she wants something and does not get it, if I am holding her she hits me and then when I put her down she throws a tantrum on the floor.
What can I do for discipline, this needs to stop but I am not sure what age you do what things.She understands the word no.
I know there are alot of methods out there for different people, what works for something like this that will get it to stop?
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I highly recommend Foster Cline's Love and Logic for Toddlers. It works great and fast. You can order it on tape, it is very entertaining and easy to do. I think it would be hard to put into place by just reading the information, listening helps put it in prospective.