I'm having difficulty getting ahold of (let alone any response from) San Bernadino County to discuss a special needs child on their caseload. My worker and her associate have been trying from their end as well, in case it was a caseworker who preferred worker-to-worker contact only.........but no luck. Not with phone calls or emails.
Anyone have ideas or advice how I can get through to this wonderful little boy's worker? Or the county itself? It's getting ridiculous. I'd appreciate any help or ideas!!
I did finally talk to her this week. I think she was expecting someone else when I called, she sounded irritated. That or she recognized my name from me leaving her messages!!! :rolleyes:
She said that his worker was still accepting homestudies (for crying out loud, he's been on there for several months, how long are you going to make him wait for his forever family??? :mad: ) until she found the "perfect" family for him. She also said they would likely be in California. (sigh) So I'm assuming that's her way of letting me know I have no shot with him whatsoever.
When I checked the California Kids listing today, though, he had been removed, and of course my foolish heart thought, "Oh! She finally read my homestudy and took him off because now she's found his perfect forever family! US!!!!"
Yah...............then I blinked back into reality and thought, "Well, I tried........can't say the same for my worker, who kept saying she was too busy to call his worker.........." (don't get me started)
He'll be 1 in May. I hope to God he's with his forever family by then, whoever is lucky enough to have him. His new family shouldn't miss that milestone.
I just wonder if I ever even had a shot at all.