I am 26 and last night, for the first time, I saw a picture of my birth mother (I made contact with an "aunt" awhile ago and she provided the picture - long story).
Is it normal to cry, shake, and generally feel crazy after seeing just a picture? I feel like I'm desperate to HUG my bmom, but that makes no rational sense to me? I've been overwhelmed in my grad school classes all day, sneaking looks at the printed copy of the picture.
Does anyone have some helpful or supportive advice for a guy who feels overwhelmed and silly?
That's so great that you got to see a picture of your birthmom!! I remember when I received my birthmom's picture from the high school she attended....I held it in my purse for days...I was soooo amazed that I finally could put a picture with a was utterly amazing!!..Brenda
I think it's totally normal. I had a closed adoption and never knew my birthmother. My adoptive mother had a few newspaper clippings about my birthmother (wedding announcement, etc.) and a picture she'd mailed when I was a few years old... My mom put them in a box with my name on it and was saving it for when I grew up. Well, I accidentally found it one day when I was about 15 and when I opened it and saw my exact face looking back at me, I threw it across the room and freaked out. I put it away and didn't tell anyone I found it for like 3 years.
What you are feeling is totally normal hon. When I first saw a picture of my bdad all I could do was cry, suddenly there was a face to put to his name and story and I was hit with so many emotions I didn't know what to think or feel, all I could do was cry. When I first saw my bmom it was equally amazing, to look at her and see myself, for the first time in 33 years I looked like someone, what a wonderful thing. You are going to be okay and what you are feeling is normal, there are so many emotions that go along with search and reunion, it is an emotional rollercoaster ride but one that I personally think is worth taking. I have no regrets!! Congrats on the picture and keep us updated on the rest of your journey.
I just saw a picture of my birthmother a few months ago. It was a crazy experience. We haven't met yet, but I really can't wait. I was shaking, crying, going nuts. It is a weird and neat experience definitely. My mom says that I look like her too!
I can only echo what everyone else here is saying...perfectly normal reaction!! Just relax and do what you need to do.
I had first contact with my bmom a little less than 4 months ago. She sent me a package of photos within a few days of speaking and it was the most strange and emotional experience. I cried and cried. I carried them with me and studied them - sneaking peeks at every opportunity - for a full month, until I finally met her.
There was one photo with her raised daughter (my 1/2 sister) that actually made my heart break. They were hugging and I felt so jealous seeing it. It made no sense to me that I could feel that way about someone I didn't know and a life that wouldn't have been mine. But a wise friend told me that it made perfect sense because even if that life couldn't have been mine...that hug might have been.
Lucky for me...she did save a few of those hugs for me!
I haven't really looked at those pictures that much since we've met...but I have copies of a picture taken of the two of us all over my home and office.
I hope you get a chance to hug you bmom like you want.
I met my birthmom before I ever saw a picture but now 6 months later, I look at the pictures of us together from one of our first meetings. I look at them several times a day even though we see each other a few times a week. I think what you are feeling is perfectly normal...we would have to worry about you if it did not faze you at all. Good luck with your reunion!
I guess we never really know how we'll react until the time arrives. A few months ago, I was in the same situation as you. My mother's name was faxed to me and I couldn't even concentrate for the rest of the day. It was the first time I had ever seen her name. The first time I saw her photo, I showed it to anyone who was willing to look at it. I kept sneaking a look at it myself. I think what you felt was totally normal. All of your years of wondering and anticipating ended with seeing her photo. It's a remarkable experience and showing emotion is nothing to be ashamed of. You are truly fortunate. Good luck.
I am not sure what normal is anymore myself...but I can tell you this...I would do ANYTHING for a photo of my daughter...
My search is not going as well as I had hoped that it would and maybe someday I too will have a photo or better to hold...but for now, all that I have is hope.
Enjoy these feelings and cherish them...regardless of how you are feeling-you are entitled!!!
Hi again! I am putting a large envelope stuffed with pictures and a long letter in the mail to my son tomorrow. He should get it in Monday's mail... I wonder how he'll feel when he looks at them... and into his Mother and his sibling's eyes. I hope it makes him happy. I know I'll be happy if he sends me a photo in return! Tammi
I think what seeing my bmom's picture for the first time REALLY did........was validate that I, indeed, "came to the world in the usual way".......that I really did have biological roots just like everybody else..... Something that all my friends growing up never gave a second thought to.... Filling in the blanks of my beginnings gave me the "rest of the story" and I could finally move on with my life not full of a bunch of unanswered questions... and just get to the living happily ever after part! lol
Tammi, got everything crossed ;) that you don't have a long wait for a response back and preferably with a pic :clap: . hugs, Pip :wings:
I am 26 and last night, for the first time, I saw a picture of my birth mother (I made contact with an "aunt" awhile ago and she provided the picture - long story).
Is it normal to cry, shake, and generally feel crazy after seeing just a picture? I feel like I'm desperate to HUG my bmom, but that makes no rational sense to me? I've been overwhelmed in my grad school classes all day, sneaking looks at the printed copy of the picture.
Does anyone have some helpful or supportive advice for a guy who feels overwhelmed and silly?
Like a number of others who responded, I am a birthmom. I made contact with my bson through his aparents (long story). When they gave him my info, he immediately found my (church's) website which includes a picture of me. According to his wife, he was astounded to finally see someone who looked like him! When we met for the first time in person, he did fine until he got within a 1/2 mile of my house. Then he began to hyperventilate and couldn't get out of the car for several minutes after he arrived at my home. (And let me tell you- I was really on pins and needles with him in the drive way!) Since then we have enjoyed hugs (at least I have enjoyed them - and he seems to!) He is the one on the right in the picture by my name. I now have pictures of him and his family all around my house to look at as often as I want! A wonderful feeling.
Having said all that, I don't think you're "silly" at all. That picture is the culmination of years of hopes and dreams and imaginings. There is a lot of energy invested in that piece of paper. No wonder you're feeling overwhelmed! Take a few deep breathes and rejoice!
Hi Tapiocawrench. My Bson is 25 years old, and will be opening up an envelope sometime today with about 2 dozen pictures of me and his 2 younger half siblings in it...along with a 3 page (front and back) letter. I wonder what sorts of emotions will be running through his veins sometime later today... If there is any resemblance with one - or all - or any of us... I hope there is. I haven't seen the adult him yet...only have one baby picture that's 25 years old and tattered (from years of kissing and staring). I hope he has a great reaction to these 'parts of him'.
Thanks for sharing your feelings with us.
Hugs, Tammi
I am 26 and last night, for the first time, I saw a picture of my birth mother (I made contact with an "aunt" awhile ago and she provided the picture - long story).
Is it normal to cry, shake, and generally feel crazy after seeing just a picture? I feel like I'm desperate to HUG my bmom, but that makes no rational sense to me? I've been overwhelmed in my grad school classes all day, sneaking looks at the printed copy of the picture.
Does anyone have some helpful or supportive advice for a guy who feels overwhelmed and silly?
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'm also a bmom and I'm so excited for you. Your feelings are healthy and normal. Everytime I got pictures of my Bchild I always had happy tears. Tears of joy. She just turned 18 the end of last year 2006. I hope all your wishes and dreams come true for you and your Bfamily.[/FONT]
:arrow: My sons wonderderful amom has sent me photos of J. through his babyhood and childhood, but I hadn't seen a photo of him since he was abaout 15 and that one was a newspaper photo of him rock climbing (and boy did that one put my heart in my mouth!!rock climbing!!Yikes!)
Then this las January I found him on an art site and there were 5 self portraits he had done.
Talk about over the moon, well I down loaded them at the library, they weren't the best quality ( I have been a professional Photographer, but who cared they were photos of J. ) but I did the tippytoe happy dance all over town, showing them to friends, strangers, anyone! This is my son! (he's 24 now) and since they were in a computer site I was able to put them in my photo album in my laptop and of course I put my favorite as my desktop photo! so I see him every:dance: time I turn the computer on:dance: :dance:
since at this time he wants nothing to do with me, I find myself staring at that photo on my laptop screen and wondering why that handsome face is so set against me, and somehow , I feel that the person behind that face is too nice a person to be that cold photos right now mean so much to me.
This is my child all grown up.......this is how he turned friends say he looks like me ......I can usually see it in other families, odd how that's hard to do when you're involved yourself!!!!:arrow:
and I keep copies of the photos with me always.this might be all I ever have of him. he has recently changed his email address so I don't know how to reach him.......even if he never answered my emails, at least he knew that I was thinking of him. now I can't even let him know that.....
Oh I seemed to have wandered far afield.
So ,in answer to the question, yes,yes,yes, I reacted emotionally and still do when I first saw his grown up photo, and I am so glad I found them.