We are excited to announce the launch of 26 adoption and family-related blogs at [url=][/url], and one is specifically about Christian Adoption. Be sure to check it out here: [url][/url]
This is a great adoption blog and Laura Christianson does an excellent job with articles of interest and discussions! Take a look at her blog today if you have not visited there! Thanks Laura and Brandy for beginning this Christian Adoption Blog!
Jody ;)
Forum Host, Christian Adoptee Fellowship- found under Community Center Forums, Faith Based Adoptions
We have just begun our second adoption. One way we are paying for it is with the ad revenue from our blog [url=]Help Us Adopt[/url]. This will not pay for all of it, but it will cover some of the cost. When we are through, the revenue from this site will be used to start an adoption ministry at my church to help families cove the cost of home studies and background checks. If the site is very sucessful our goal is to start an adoption grant for Christian Couples.