Wondering where to start looking. We do not know his adoptive name. The name my aunt gave him at birth was David Michael Thoubborn/Heford. He was born mid June 1947, either in Springfield, Wesfield, W. Springfield or Holyoke MA, Agency was Brightside (got a little information from them). Birth mother was Margaret Irene Thoubboron who's date of birth is 06/26/1924, birth father's name is Ernest Heford.
The adoptive father's first name is Joseph with the last initial of R. With the R being a common last name we were told. So his last name would begin with R. The adoptive parents lived in or around Northampton MA. Do not know if we can ask the court for records as the birth parents have passed on or if it would just be easier to look with the information that we have. Please message me or if you cant you can respond to my post, email me at or call me at 413-329-5215