As of 1/1/2006 - the state of Illinois Adoption Registry and Medical Information Exchange (IARMIE) program is now available to the relatives of deceased birth parents and adopted persons. People that can register now are: a sister or brother of a deceased birth parent, an adult (21) child of a deceased adopted person, a surviving parent of a minor child (under 21) of a deceased adopted person and the adoptive parents of a deceased adopted person. The forms for these types of registrants are now available thru the program. They have not got them up on their website at this time but they will be in the future. Their web page will give you telephone numbers that you can call to request the forms or you can email a request for the forms to them.
Just that we siblings would like to have a complete record in his memory. I am in contact with both his b-mom and a-mom and they are also interested in getting as much info as possible.
He and I are the only full blood siblings of the bunch and were placed/adopted at the same time but to different families.
Mike -- would suggest that you contact the Illinois Adoption Registry and discuss it with them to see what exactly they might be able to do for you families. Telephone number is 217 557 5159 hours are 8AM to 4PM CST.
Number1dbcksfan -- there is no provision in the law past the brother or sister soooo no at this time there is no option for them sorry.