I'd just like to do an informal survey: If you know or can make a likely guess, what are your birth mother's reasons for not talking to you about your b-father?
Thank you.
She did talk to me about him a little bit... what she knew about him, anyway. She did give me his name and I found him.
They were not that close, and there were painful circumstances, so I didn't ask for additional details.
Truthfully I have no idea. I know she didn't tell him she was pregnant because he was either engaged or married by the time she realized she was pregnant
I've asked numerous times with no response. I've gained very little information from her. She wasn't very welcoming when I found her and I kind of forced the issue when contacting my half-sister. All was well for a few years (long distance contact only) but she would never give up any information. Now, my sister has dropped from communication and put her parents in a nursing home. When my Aunt speaks with my bmother, never does she inquire about me.
I really don't know why she's holding back, it's 58 years ago.