Ok, Fess up. Who doubled and how did you do it?
Perhaps you spent full time at the computer making it happen?
Or you got the technorati things to work?
Or maybe you've got a very very large extended family?
How, please tell us how!
I only grew 11%.
My guess is that it was grant with Chinese adoption. Adopting a boy is very rare and I would guess that is a draw. And there are a lot more families who adopted from or are adopting from China.
I think that I grew because of the rumor mill. There are so many rumors going around.
When will Ukrainian adoption open again? When will they accept new dossiers? What will be the wait time for approval of dossiers? What will be the wait time for appointments?
I am getting emails from French, Spanish, Dutch, Canadians and US families. Cool
Also I am sticking to my topic of Ukrainian adoption, but I have branched out. My "About Ukraine" lets me explore a lot of different topics that could be of interest to adoptive parents.
I wrote about the bird flu yesterday. Right now I am exchanging emails with Pascal who lives in Switzerland. He adopted his daughter from Ukraine and runs a charity to help the children left in the Ukrainian orphanages. I have know Pascal for about 5 years now and his charity helps my daughter's orphanage.
[font=Verdana]A few days ago, I chatted with the moderator for the French Ukrainian adoption email list. Fortunately the moderator speaks English because my French is very rusty.[/font]
[font=Verdana]I still need to get a hold of the moderator for the Spanish Ukrainian adoption email list.[/font]
I guess my tip is to branch out to other nationalities if your topic lets you.
Like... discuss how Canadians adopt from the US foster care system. Or could Americans living in Canada adopt from the US foster care system?
I was perusing the stats on my personal blog. I noticed a big percentage of 'came from' traffic is from
I link from images in my flickr account to the blog entry it correlates with. I also have it linked from my profile. I just went in and updated those to show the Open Adoption blog here.
So if you have a account for your photos -- might be a good place to garner some traffic.
I have no idea what my stats were to compare then and now, so I don't know if it was me or not.
I do know I get occasional comments from /groups I don't know. At least one person apparently found my Swazi folktale post by searching for African folktales, based on their email address (( or something)).