When do you celebrate your adoption? Do you celebrate the day you go to court and the child is served papers or do you wait until it is finalized? Also, when is it finally final? Is there a time frame for someone to contest the adoption?
Just want to know when I can relax and know my kids aren't going anywhere.
We celebrate our "day" on the finalization day. We were told that we weren't in the clear until that day to say our kids aren't going anywhere. From what I understand anything can happen even after TPR.
Good luck
We celebrated Oct. 4th which is the day she took our last name. After this day no one can contest or take her away from us. She is all ours and it is the best day ever!
We had the party and everything on finalization day. We've now had the first anniversaries of her joining our family, and of the finalization (6 months apart). We put more of an emphasis on the day she joined our family (went to dinner, had cards, corsages, and gifts for the girls). But if there's a longer gap between joining the family and finalizations (like a couple of years), I suppose maybe people focus more on celebrating the finalization anniversy.
We celebrate the court appearance downtown. Finalization is thirty days later and does not require an appearance before the judge.
Any idea when this will be happening for you? K should have his adoption in August or September.