I am a new person to this webspot and love it very much. Great location for info and support.
I was adopted as a very young girl to two United States citizens. I found out at the age of 19 and now I am 21. My parents aren't necisarily jumping foward to give any information to me.
This is the info that I have. My Dad was in the Navy and my parents were stationed in the Philippines. I have two different stories. First is my bmom was some rich kid that was in college and gave me up because she was scared of her parents. The other was that the social worker said my bmom was a prostitute. Go figure. My parents won't tell me which orphange I was at or give me any papers to it because supposidly its burnt. So I have no clue where to start after registering for forums and my information.
I was naturalized in Maine and other than that, I have no other info.
Has anyone tried to find their information being international adoption or had success finding bparents from an international adoption? How do you go about getting your info and would it be somewhere where you were naturalized? Also is there any info that the military can supply that other agencies can't?