Me and my husband are waiting to get our homestudy complete. I have been e-mailing my adoption specialist every two or three weeks since our last PRIDE class (5-20-06) She said she turned over our paperwork for someone to do the written homestudy(6/13) and he would call us .We have not recieved a call from him yet. I tried to call our adoption specialist but all I get is her voice mail. How often should I contact her? I don't want to be a pest but I don't want to just sit around waiting. :o
We called weekly. And our SW told us it was a good idea. She said you have to keep bugging them. Although yesterday I called to see what was going on for a meeting she is supposed to set up and she seemed a bit annoyed but I don<t care it makes me feel better! To call I mean :)
I was told that my calling when they didn't keep me aware of status showed that I was TOO ANXIOUS. I am anxious. Who wouldn't be?? Keep calling. They will eventually decide that working with you is easier than ignoring you.