My son told his dad last night that he wished we had never adopted him and that he wanted to go see his birthmom - he was upset at the time with his dad but he has never said anything like this before. He hasn't seen his birthmom since he was 3 and he is 71/2 now. Anyone ever have this happen to them and if so, have any advice for us????
I told my Mom, at least umpteen times growing up, that I was going to runaway from home and find my real family. I'm not adopted.
Maybe just tell him that if he really felt this way in his heart of hearts that you love him enough to want him to be happy and you will help him to find his birth parents, but that in YOUR heart of hearts that you will miss him terribly.
Sounds funny, but sometimes when confronted with the reality that the threats they are saying to hurt you, it makes them realize that they too would miss you. Just an idea.
He's probably just venting. Reassure him how much you and your husband love him. Don't take his words personal. When I was little I said that so many times and I thought about it but I never really meant it. I felt the parents that raised me were the ones who really loved me. Hang in there and hold on to him tight. It's part of parenting. God bless.
First, I must say I'm justing getting started with the adoption process through the state. Being the way I am, I've been reading every book I can get my hands on as well as surfing the net. lol
From the books I've been reading, it sounds like he's giving you a test. He's wanting to hear you say "we like having you here." "We want you to be in our family." "We love you when you're a happy child and we love you when you're angry or sad."