Hi, Was wondering if any of my old buddys visit this board I was there in 1992 from March 1st to the end of may. Just hoping to get in contact with them and see how they are doing. Thanks
Sorry its been forever in getting back to u...... I haven't check this forum in a long while.... I placed my son in 92 as i said before.... My son and I have been reunited for going on 3 yrs he has come visit me and I him and my family will be going for a visit this summer I also while in Boston visited with the agency ladys judy and debbie ..... Are u in contact with ur twins :)
My name is Jennifer. I was there in March 1992-end of May or beginning of June 1992. I am beginning to search for my son who would be 24. I would love to talk with you about what happened to Circle of Love as it appears it no longer exists. Hope to hear from you.
I was at Circle of Love in “93 from around July to September. Does anyone know how to find the birth records? I live in Louisiana now snd know the adoptive parents lived in MA. I just know their first names
I was there from mid April 1992 to mid May 1992. I just reunited with my daughter in June 2021. The original birth certificates in Massachusetts, from 1974 to 2008, are locked except by court order. I found my daughter through Ancestry. She had been on a different DNA site for a few years. I would love to reconnect with you gals and compare notes! My memory is a bit blurry from that time. I was living at 57 Cedar St, Apt 2 (I found an old letter that my mom sent me while I was there). I thought there were a few different places where we lived. I do remember the guys that drove the taxis being super nice and supportive (such a weird memory!) and I have a polaroid pic of one of them (John?) after I delivered and he had brought my mom to the hospital.
Last update on December 14, 1:53 pm by Sheila Krause.
My name is Angela W. I was at the birth other house in feb and march of 92. Anyone there at that time….. adoption agency closed.