I am looking for a female born in any of the FCH homes in Georgia at the end of 1963. My mother was sent to the home in June of 63' and had her daughter in either October or November.
The information she can give me is that she named her baby Judith and the baby had red hair. She also mentioned that an Asian woman DR. was the one who delivered the baby.
I am looking for a female born in any of the FCH homes in Georgia at the end of 1963. My mother was sent to the home in June of 63' and had her daughter in either October or November.
The information she can give me is that she named her baby Judith and the baby had red hair. She also mentioned that an Asian woman DR. was the one who delivered the baby.
Hi I was born at piedmont hosp 12/24/63 my birthmother was at the FCH atlanta. I was told she named me elizabeth Lynn but i was wonderingif your mom might remember mine she was blonde hair blue eyed no one new about the pregnancy except her best friend. she had 3 half sisters and a brother and father that passed away from hodgekin's disease if you have any info please contact me Thanks