I have been looking on-line for 2 days now for a support system...much like this one for adoption...for talking with people who have or are experiencing PTSD. DH was molested as a child. His parents hid it from everyone when they found out...sent the molester away and never spoke of it. He never received counseling at the time, and was pretty much told to forget about it. The molester...his uncle...lived as a heterosexual and eventually it was as though he had made it all up. A few years ago his uncle "came out" and DH began having nightmares, etc. DH spent a year in counseling and confronted his family about what DID happen as part of the healing process. The problem is that he is still sorting or his issues, and I am looking for a place where spouses of victems can go for support. It is a very difficult thing to watch him go thru this and I want to talk to others who know what I might be feeling. This site was SO easily found when I was looking for an "adoption" community. I have searched and searched...using different variations of what I am looking for with no luck. Is there anyone HERE who is aware of such a place?