Our son (he is 3/4 AA/ 1/4 CC) is just 10 days old, but his hair is very soft with just a little wave. I am curious if his hair will stay this way or should I expect the texture to change? Just wondering. Thanks!:)
Our son is full AA but his hair was like you described when he was born. It has changed a lot in the last 10 months. It is still soft but now tons of tight little curls. He can get quite the little afro going. It is so adorable, I just love it. Anyway, I would bet that it will change. No way to really know how much but I am sure it will change at least a little. Timbo mama to the most adorable 10 month old ever
My 1/2 cc 1/2 aa twins' hair types are totally different from each other, but in the last 4+ years hasn't changed much. My daughter lost almost all of her hair with in the first couple of months, then it grew back, which I have heard others say sometimes happens. In speaking with other proud Mom's of bi-racial babe's, the majority say that puberty is a time of likely change for hair. Some have told of tight, dry hair becoming loose and soft curls, and also others of the opposite. Have a wonderful journey, and in about 13 years or so you can tell us what you have discovered. Take care!
my aa son had 1 silky curl..... and then lost his hair and now has funky cool tight ringletts...... my biracial son had silky hair....a lot of it at birth...... now is sparse.... and long...but the texture is mildly changing to coarse/soft...and is forming larger curls........ so i feel your babys hair will change...but how is anyones guess.....i am excited to see how my wee little ones changes.......:hippie: