I am asking for advice from anyone who has been through this.My First grader is getting into trouble weekly. He has at least one really bad day each week, and during the other days, he is getting at least one or two warnings without fail. He just cannot keep himself to himself, and he thinks school is social time.He may need more out of school playtime with friends, but I can't give him that until his behavior at school improves (so he doesn't think of it as any kind of reward). He is obviously disruptive, and he is the only one I see the teacher having wait after school (so she can talk to me). Today she suggested a Daily Contract that my DH and I make with our son, so that each day he is thinking about what he may lose or gain with good or bad behavior. Anyone had a similar experience?
I am an elementary school principal, as well as foster mom to two school aged beauties. Daily contracts are a good behavior modification plan for some students. My teachers also like having a composition notebook that goes back and forth between school and home. Teacher can note positives and areas that need support. You can respond back in the notebook. I often advise teachers to break the school day up into manageable chunks. If he makes it to first recess, he gets a star. Making it through the whole day is tough, but he can do bits at a time and be rewarded. It will also give you insight into what part of the day is tough. No stars after lunch might indicate there is something dietary that is setting him off. Hope it helps.