I need advice. My 2 1/2 year old son won't pick up his toys for me (he does it for his daddy and my parents but not me :grr: :grr: ). Instead he takes more out. :grr: :grr:
I have taken away his favorite toys and sat him in the naughty corner for 2 minutes. He still refuses to pick up his toys. When he does finally do it, it's worse than pulling teeth. I praise him when he does do it.
He has been picking up his toys and putting them away since he was roughly 15 months old. Back then he must have thought it was fun. Now it's more fun to throw toys around the family room and make a mess and not listen to his SAH Mommy.
Please can anybody give me some advice?? I need help!!!
I confess, my son and I just went through this same war. It's a pain.
Finally, what I did was tell him that any toys that were left out when he went to bed were going to be thrown away. I told him, "If you can't take care of them by putting them where they need to be, that must mean you don't want them, so I'll toss them." And when he tested me by leaving a few things out, I really did toss a few of his McDonald's type toys! It wasn't fun, but he learned that I meant business and that when I ask him to do something, I mean it.
The issue isn't the toys. It's the authority. IMHO, toddlers are always testing to see if we really have authority over them. My son needs to know I'm in control, not only so that I can teach and guide him, but so that he can feel safe. I notice how much more relaxed and in control he is when I give him some strong structure!
Hope you two manage to muddle through!