4 years ago we embarqued in the adoption process.
About 1 year later we became parents to a 2 day old little girl.
We had from day one asked for an open adoption and unfortunatly that did not happen.
Birthmom decided otherwise when she placed baby.
So 2 days before our daughter tuned 3 we received a phone call from the adotopn agency informing us she would like to know how our daghter was doing.
When she was about 6 weeks old we left a package for her at the agency with a letter and some pictures.
Once they informed us of the situation they called her and one hour later she was at the agency to pick up the package.
She thanked them and walked away, they told her that we would love to meet her and for her to have some type of relationship with our daughter.
She cried and became very emotional and told them that she did not think anybody would want to talk to somebody "like her".
She stayed at the agency with a counselor to help her through this process and agreed to write us a letter and tell us about herself.
A meeting is planned after that...
So to you adoptive parents and birthmoms I ask to shead some light on what to expect and what your feelings were when you went through this.