Looking for my sister Leona who was born to Mincie Slomanski some time around 1975. Two younger brothers Johnny Joseph Slomanski (now John Pryor) and George Marvin Slomanski (now Tyler Pryor) were adopted together and Leona was adopted to a different family in Richardson, TX. She went to Berkner HS and most likely graduated in 1992 or 1993. Don't know last name or exact date of birth, so search has been difficult. Please contact me with any information:
Small world! I went there!! Unfortunately I was out by the time she started there.
Do you know what Junior High she could of gone to? I can check with my sister if it was Richardson Jr. High.
I just sent you a PM, but also thought of a way to contact people she went to school with.
I checked on myspace and there are alot of people registerd for Berkner HS.
On a tip, I went to the Richardson public library and went through the Berkner yearbooks for several years. As luck would have it, there was only one Leona. After some more searching with the surname (Petitto), I was able to locate her brother who lead me to her. She lives in New Zealand and we are now in email contact. Thank you to everyone who helped with research. I really appreciate your time.