Hi everyone My name is julie and I am a adoptive parent to a 16 month old from Guatemala and a 6.5 yr old bio girl.. I have been searching and searching for a local group that's relaxed and where the kids meet up as well.. with little luck. So I created my own.. It is open to anyone who has or is adopting internationally or Domestically and of all ages. It is based out of the seacoast and surrounding areas... Please PM me if your interested and I can forward you the site.
Thanks,:cheer: Julie
HI Julie...I know I am a bit late on this....I dont know if you will read it, but I live in NH and are in process of adopting a 1 year old. (we have placement and surrender of rights and just waiting for finalization in 4 months. She is one of my cousin's children. I also have a bio daughter who is 5. I live in Manchester and would love to get together and share experiences.