Hi,If I had to guess (and that is all this is), I'd say that Guam should run like most other domestic adoptions. BUT, if the child is Chamorro, there might be some additional regulations or some other overseeing body. I'm not sure on that. There is also the chance that adoption to non-family outsiders is all but prohibited (as it was and maybe still is in American Samoa, another U.S. territory). The territories have a bit more leeway than the states on some issues.Find a local NPO social service provider. Child welfare workers generally don't know a lot about private adoption, but the local United Way (if they have it there) might have some contacts. There might be the equivalent to an I&R (information and referral) agency there. Also, maybe the Clerk of Courts office would help. In any case, wherever you call, try to get above a receptionist, as some will answer questions, but not know the subject matter.If you have access to the phone book, cautiously look for local adoption providers, including attorneys. Be wary of big promises, and get referrals of completed adoptions.Good luck.D