hello everyone! my husband and i are both in the usaf, and we are stationed in korea for 3yrs (long story). we have been wanting to start a family since we got married, but this is the first time we are stationed together, and in korea i cannot get pregnant or they will send me back to the states at 5mo, without my husband! so, at this rate, we will be married over 5yrs without a child, and we were planning to have several. well we are thinking, since i can't get pregnant but we could have children here with us, why not adopt? we've always planned on adopting at least one of our children, and this is a great reason. we would really like to adopt from africa. the main complication is that most adoption agencies we could work with are located in the states and work with people who live in the states. we haven't been able to find an agency which would allow us to adopt an african baby while we are stationed in korea. we also don't have the option of going to africa to arrange the adoption locally, as we can't be away from korea more than 30days in a year. please let me know if you have any ideas/suggestions! we have thought about adopting from korea or other asian countries, but have decided against that (unless God shows us differently) for various reasons. thanks so much for your help!
I'm sorry that I can't remember which ones but I've seen a few online that adopt to American's abroad, and I'm sure at least one of them uses Ethiopia. They are out there. You may also be able to contact Ethiopias MOWA department. There is alot of information on foreign adoption on the state departments web site, but I only actually read Ethiopia's. You may also want to consider adopting from the region you are in, because travel can be a huge expense from the US, you would really be cutting costs that would otherwise build.
P.S. Thanks for you service!!!
Could you contact the US Consul in Korea to see in they have information??? That is what the US Department of State website recommends. There are agencies that do this, but I wouldn't recommend any since I haven't worked with them. But they are out there. Hope someone else has first hand experience.
Good luck and thanks for your service to our country!!!
We adopted from Ethiopia, and I know that there are several families living abroad who recently adopted through them. Countries like Eqypt, Indonesia, China... all over the world!
You can PM me for the name of the agency, if you'd like.
The main African country allowing adoption is Ethiopia. It has a stable and organized program, which is remarkably free of corruption.
The Ethiopian government has licensed only a small number of American agencies to place children from Ethiopia. I would suggest that you get a complete list of the agencies from the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa, and then contact each one. I suspect you will find one that will work with Americans living abroad.