At this point we are somewhat indifferent between the two countries. Have gotten interested in Kyrgyzstan mostly because of the travel time issue (I hate it that that is such an issue, but it simply is for us.)
As I do my research I am coming across some true horror stories regarding conditions in some of the Kyrgyzstan orphanages. I doubt that it will impact our decision much, but it has made me curious as to the experience of people who have been there.
Does anyone here have any first hand experience with the conditions in the orphanages in Kyrgyzstan?
Yse, I have first hand experience with the Specilaized Children's home in Tokmok, outside Bishkek. What have you heard? My daughter and all 5 kids who came home from Tokmok are doing great, and to me that is a testament to the care they received. It is very rundown, no screens on the windows, but they seemed to try to keep it clean. I freaked out when I first saw it. When my Mom visited, after we got home, she kept saying, someone gave this baby alot of love, and I have heard the kids were actually spoiled by the caregivers! My daughter gained 6 lbs in 8 weeks when she got home but she is very secure and emotionally healthy, I believe they were treated with love and care. I saw them feed her a huge plate of something (carrots, potatoes, cabbage, maybe) every day, but they have no money. Doctor's / nurses are on premises - I guess it couuld be worse. I believe the Kaz orphanages are better, Kaz has alot more money but both nationalities are loving and warm people, they are very similar. Email me if I can tell you any
Just wanted to note that the travel time may change. Apparently very recently a family went over on a 1-trip process to pick up their child and changed their mind. There is some talk that the Kyrg govt will mandate the process to be two trips no matter what. I am praying that does not happen, but I'd be surprised if it doesn't.
Good luck with your decision - just remember, whatever you decision you make, it WILL be the right one!!
Your little one is absolutely ADORABLE! WHAT A CUTIE!!! My husband and I are currently logged-in, as of April 2007, for the China adoption program. However, due to current wait times, we are currently hoping to pursue another adoption, as well, and are especially interested in Kyrgystan. Could you let us know if you might have any advice on an agency to use? We'd so appreciate your help!!!
Check out the kyrgyzstan adoption forum on yahoo. I used adoption alliance. THe other agencies are nightlight, adoption options, world links, kids to adopt, frank foundation, holt is just starting a program, cwa has a program that has a waiting list for famlies to be admitted into the program.