I just know you will adopt again - it's been on your mind for some time. I hope you get the bills under control quickly.
As you know, we requested one child under the age of 12 months. We ended up adopting 2 bio siblings ages 2 & 4. It just goes to show that you don't always know what you want!
Yes, I sometimes mourn the fact that we didn't have them as babies, but they are so wonderful that I cannot imagine anything different. I agree 100% with Crispex's comments.
I would add that older children are able to enjoy all of the things that you want to share with them...Christmas is more fun with a child than with an infant, a trip to the zoo is thrilling, a visit to a playground is great. Our kids love all of those things and we didn't have to wait for them to get older to appreciate it.
Just remember that Kayden could come with siblings ;)