hey, my name is maddie and im placing my baby in 13 days with a wonderful couple.
i'm only 18, but i wanted to tell anyone who was feeling discouraged because they are over 40, that their are bmoms who dont think its too old!
i chose my babys a-parents and the a-mom is 44 and the a-dad is 39.
i dont even know how many hopeful a-parents over 40 will read this, but i'd feel bad if some of you felt discouraged. the fact that j & c (a-parents) are older makes me feel more secure in my decision. i know they're financially stable, and emotionally mature.
i wish all of you guys alot of luck!!!!! when the time is right i believe it will happen for everyone.
love, Maddie
hey, my name is maddie and im placing my baby in 13 days with a wonderful couple.
i'm only 18, but i wanted to tell anyone who was feeling discouraged because they are over 40, that their are bmoms who dont think its too old!
i chose my babys a-parents and the a-mom is 44 and the a-dad is 39.
i dont even know how many hopeful a-parents over 40 will read this, but i'd feel bad if some of you felt discouraged. the fact that j & c (a-parents) are older makes me feel more secure in my decision. i know they're financially stable, and emotionally mature.
i wish all of you guys alot of luck!!!!! when the time is right i believe it will happen for everyone.
love, Maddie
Maddie -
As a PA-dad it's very encouraging to read your note. We know our baby is out there somewhere and remain steadfast in our adoption journey. I do have to admit though, it is often hard to keep one's head up when you hear that deafening silence on the other end of the phone after answering the question "So how old are you guys again?"
I'm happy and encouraged to know there are some emoms out there who see our age not as a negative factor to be feared but as a factor to be considered with all other factors we "bring to the table."
Bless you, your baby and the a-parents you chose. :flowergift:
Maddie, I wanted to say thank you for posting this. I am sure, without a doubt, that many 'older' parents will be reassured by reading your words. I am over 40 and I often wonder about my age. Once again, thanks! :thanks:
It is a wonderful gesture that you wrote to hopeful adoptive parents over 40. It will be assuring that there are young people who look at us as "qualified" parents to be. Good luck in your journey.
Maddie, thank you for your encouraging message. I just turned 40 yesterday. It's nice to know there are young adults like you that won't hold our age against us older folks. Age is just a number.
Hi Maddie!
Thank you so much for your thoughful post - it is very helpful and encouraging to hear that not everyone feels 40+ is too old to be adoptive parents. I will soon be 42 and I know that I have gained much wisdom, security, and confidence over the years that will do nothing but help me be a better parent to the child (or siblings) I'm applying to adopt from Ethiopia. And I'm sure this is also the case for the couple you chose for your child.
I certainly don't feel 41 is old at all - just wiser...besides 40 is the new 30, right? ;)
All the best to you!
you're welcome everyone!
and haha of course i meant adoptive dads, too.
im having this baby on wednesday, and im really excited for j & C (the a-parents).
ahh! count down! haha.
hope everyone is happy and healthy.
:thanks: Maddie for your posting!
It certainly DOES make me feel better.
Good luck to you and I hope everything goes well with you during delivery and afterwards. :flowergift: