Okay ladies and gents it is time for the Fun Friday Poll again!! This weeks poll:
Which is your most hated household chore??
I will start....LAUNDRY!!! I do not know why but having to haul all the clothes and then folding...cannot stand it!
Laundry. Dishes comes a close second, and if I had a washer dryer in my apartment I would say that. But I hate lugging that bag!! And it takes the whole day, and nothing can possible get accomplished in the time it takes between cycles. Even when we have it done, I still have to lug that stupid bag into my tiny car and haul it around!
And no matter how much you do it, it never comes close to being done!!
Laundry for sure! I'm okay with washing & drying....but the folding...UGH!
4 kids....need I say more? LOL!
Bathrooms I don't mind at all, and the dishes is typically dh's chore so I skip that one a lot.:)
My 2nd hated chore...vacuuming STAIRS!
I hate cleaning the bathroom and I will just say one word as to why: MEN!
I wonder if it was their sole job if their..ahem.. aim would be better!
Also the elsectric razor...having to clean up after that..I cannot stand it! How hard is it to empty it every day????
I hate cleaning the bathroom and I will just say one word as to why: MEN!
That's why it's my fiance's job to clean the bathroom, LOL!!! I may have to "gently remind him" but it gets done!
Oh yeah, and he does dishes too :)
Mine was a tie between dusting and laundry. I voted for dusting because it really makes my allergies bad, since I don't dust every week like I should. I don't hate doing the laundry per say it's the folding and putting away of the laundry that gets me.
I guess I'm all alone on hating to vacuum. There is just something about pushing that stupid vacuum around that I can't stand. I don't mind dishes, but I HATE washing the silverware....
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I hate dusting. I have a hard time getting rid of things. :coffee: I have a lot of junk to dust that has sentimental value. Bathrooms are a real close second!
No doubt about it. I can't stand the sound. I can put up with anything else, but the sound of a vacuum cleaner drives me nuts.