Does the whole system go down each night at around 2 a.m. mountain time for updates or something? Yes, I admit that I am often up blogging at that time since the kiddos are fast asleep! :)
If I am not finished by 2 a.m., almost without fail if I try to click on anything at all on the site I will get a msg saying something like msql and that there are too many logged in, etc. (Sorry I don't have the exact example as it isn't 2 a.m. yet and I hope to be in bed asleep tonight before then!)
ok, enough questions out of me tonight!
To the best of my knowledge, system-wide backups are run around that time and there's a slowdown - sometimes REALLY slow. We've been working with our techs on this... but I don't think you should be getting error messages like that. The next time you get one, paste it into an email and send it to me.
The site does go all but totally down during our nightly backups - it will translate into the MySQL Connection error message - as each connection is so slow, its taking a long time, thus resulting in multiple connections/time outs/disconnections.We do have to run our backup nightly - and while we are trying to work out a system that will allow our users more access during back up times - its not uncommon for sites to be taken totally down for nightly backups, especially sites of this size. As for the forums problem - Sandra, I haven't had any issues or had any reports of issues on Forums at all - can you be more specific regarding the difficulties you're having? You said you aren't seeing unread mail - do you mean posts? When you said you don't see them, what are you seeing?Also, you indicated that it's slow - are you talking about now or during the backups at night?The backups are site wide - so everything on our network is going to be slow/down during our nightly backups. If you can give me some more information, specifically, about your forums issues - I can look into them - I know the blog team is working on a solution which would allow some access during our backups - however reliable that will be.
In response to the messages posted here and some other indicators - we've created a team to address the system downtime each night. I stayed up all night last night to view the site as it runs over night - what I saw was 1 - 1.5 hours of down time - which is NOT ok!I wanted to update you guys and let you know we're working on it! Hang in here if you would - we'll have these matters resolved soon, I hope!