[url=]Free animated gif, graphic animation, icon, and clipart[/url]
[url=]Free Gifs and Animations[/url]
[url=]Main Page - Wikimedia Commons[/url]
[url=]U.S. Government Photos and Multimedia:[/url]
I will sometimes search [url=]Google Image Search[/url] and [url=]Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing[/url] to see if I can find "released to the world" copyright photos.
I use flickr and give an image credit in my blog.... I hope that is Ok... I never thought about copyrights or anything... i just assumed as long as I was siting who the photo belonged to that all was well....
any feedback on this
Flickr photos I think default onto copyright mode (meaning when you upload them, unless you make a specific effort, they're considered copyrighted to you).
However, Flickr does host a rather generous Creative Commons made up of people who do the extra fiddly bits that erase the copyright:
[url=]Flickr: Creative Commons[/url]
This collection consists of shareable and reprintable photos. Bear in mind, though, that some of those licenses are for non-commercial use only, and since these are for-profit blogs, using those pictures would be considered a violation of terms.
That could be OK... You have to check the "Additional Information". It it says "All Rights Reserved" you cannot use the photo.
I will give you another example. I have a goofy picture posted here.
[URL=""]Flickr: Please wait...[/URL]
It says "some rights reserved". You click this and you find out that I have a "Attribution-ShareAlike LIcense" on the photo. It means you can use the photo, but you have to provide credit/attribution
Here is a good website that explains copyright. And it directs you to free stock photos.
[URL=""]Graphics N Graphic Design Blog Free Stock Photos for Graphic Designers & Web Designers[/URL]
[FONT=Verdana]Another thing to look out for... Someone will grant you free license to modify and use an image EXCEPT for commercial efforts. Since you are earning money for the blog you are commercial. You cannot use the image.[/FONT]
Oops... I just noticed that I copied [URL=""]Free animated gif, graphic animation, icon, and clipart[/URL] to the above post. It doesn't allow commercial web sites to use the images. BUT I sometimes use it as a starting place... A place to start thinking about what image I want.
Then I will go out and take a photo with my digital camera. Or I will get my daughter to draw something in paint. Or I will google certain key words. And some of the images are on multiple web sites. So I want a smiley face that is crying.... If I search long enough I will find one that doesnt' have a copyright.
I forgot to mention. The library of congress has over 1,000,000 images available. Many but not all images are in the public domain.
[url=]Prints and Photographs Online Catalog (Prints and Photographs Reading Room, Library of Congress)[/url]